Emma Block is an illustrator who has provided a great example for how different cultures prioritize concepts via the words available. How would we describe the space inside of a hug and what it feels like? The Welsh would say “cwtch.” Words are a concrete way to move experience into our understanding but all language is limiting. Continue reading When there are no words…→
Coming back from Greece and Training Across Borders I was amazed to see how happy we were practicing Aikido. This was serious business I thought…. Aikido must be really fun. Continue reading The Joy of Aikido→
Coming back from Training Across Borders there is a quote from O’sensei that sums up the purpose sought by Aikidoist coming to Greece from areas of conflict around the world: “In Aikido we do not train to become powerful or to throw down some opponent. Rather we train in hopes of being of some use, however small our role may be, in the task of bringing peace to humankind around the world.”Continue reading “We train in hopes of being of some small use…”→