Monthly Archives: April 2015
This is what stress physically feels like…
Click on the image above for a great set of illustrations depicting our common visualizations of “feeling” stressed. The original article is by from Huffington Post by Lindsay Holmes & Alissa Scheller. A second article depicts a set of representations of panic.
Rei; Manifesting the Spirit
Rigid cultural practices are often looked at as inhibiting individual expression but in traditional martial arts “rei” is a way of stepping up into an identity or spirit, working towards goals of self-improvement. Continue reading Rei; Manifesting the Spirit
Aikido can be more than a Martial Art
Why are you at practice today? Aikido can be a practice of a variety of skills; practice leading, supporting someone in crisis, reducing opposition and conflict, being less of a jerk, being more assertive, best intentions, adaptive response, non-verbal communication…. Aikido can be a practice of your personal goals if you can focus on your goal as a theme of practice. This brings the benefits of practice into relevance for the rest of daily life rather than needing to walk out the door into a fight on the street. Thanks to Joaquin Phoenix for wearing his dogi (uniform) on the street. Dude, that’s not okay… Continue reading Aikido can be more than a Martial Art