Kaz Tanahashi, who practiced aikido with O’sensei and helped translate one of O’sensei’s biographies as well as being a respected authority on Zen and Shodo is the artist of the works in this post. All things start with a single point but to create form and substance connections must be made.
Tanahashi’s shodo seen here includes a “ten,” “ichi,” and “enso” because all marks start with a point, connect to a second point as a line, and then continue in an arc and return to form a circle. A circle is the most used symbol for aikido and its elements may be helpful in understanding aikido practice.

Tanahashi’s “enso” or circle studies represent the many qualities of the circle but he speaks of the circle as an opportunity, “The circle is a reminder that each moment is not just the present, but is inclusive of our gratitude to the past and our responsibility to the future.” More works of Kaz Tanahashi can be viewed on his website.